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College Admissions Options

Early Decision – Student agrees to attend this college if accepted and you can’t apply to any other college or university


Early Action* – Student is not bound to attend, if you are accepted and you can apply early action to more than one university. You can accept an offer as soon as you receive it or wait to make your final decision in the spring after you have received all of your acceptance letters.


Regular Admissions – Students must submit their application by a specific date, usually between November and January


Deferred Admissions – Student has been accepted, but want to defer their enrollment for up to a year.


Rolling Admissions – Common at large state universities; allow students to apply at any time during their admissions period, typically September through July. Since admission is granted on a first-come, first-serve basis, you’ll want to submit your application as early as possible.


Pay attention to college application, scholarship application, and financial aid DEADLINES!


Tip: If you are relying on financial aid to pay for college, you may not want to apply early decision because you’ll receive your acceptance before you know what financial aid package you’ll receive.


*Early Action is the preferred method of applying as you can make each college/university think this is your first choice.

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